Microsoft Office Communicator Server 2007
Recently an odd thing happened on the way to The Forum. We are still trying to figure out why these things happened however the upshot was that we lost connectivity to our OCS server. The trouble with OCS is that it is one of those technologies which is quite involved yet once put in properly it also just works. This has the double nightmare of when things go wrong they are normally something you have seen before but can't remember and also require you to relearn all that you forgot - remembering the best way of learning is making yes you do all the same mistakes again. Well that's what happens if you don't write things down. So I am. First thing I did was reboot the box as to my knowledge nothing had changed. Can you see where this is going? Red Herring: Still no joy so I checked the services for OCS and they wouldn't start, the event log showed that our evaluation license for OCS Enterprise has expired. Great. So...