
Showing posts from September, 2013

Citrix XenApp 6.5 and Powershell

Cool! Citrix has powershell.  First thing I did was run a request to update all the group memberships from a confusing array of what looks like an organic process whereby users and groups are used with abandon to ACL Citrix applications. So what I did was list out all the applications and then using Quest AD tools create groups called "XenApp - " + <application name> this worked great! I couldn't get the remoting to work - we don't have a PKI here?!?!  SO this is a two stage process, output the applications to a csv and the import to create the groups. Next I populated each application with these groups.  Nothing worked.  I first thought that the error - Cannot find group - meant that replication hadn't happened.  So I waited.  This was not the case. It seems that Quest AD tools do not create the pre-Windows 2000 name for the group.  This is what Citrix uses to ensure that the group exists before it will assign this to an application...

vSphere plugin to show snapshots

I've mentioned before that making vSphere plugins is a bit hit and seems that things have progressed some what since I last attempted this and in vSphere 5.1 things are much much easier! I wrote some powershell which put a html file containing all snapshots in the environment into the root of an IIS website.  The website was set to use this page as the default.  A scheduled task runs this each night.  Then I added a plugin to vSphere referencing the website and now we are able to see all the snapshots currently in use! Hoorah! Here's the powershell (we use Veeam and I've made it so that the Veeam replicas are not shown) # Powershell to show current running snapshots # open the vSphere powershell Add-PSSnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue # Connect to VCS-002 $server = Connect-VIServer GBR-LON-VCS-002.EDFMAN.NET # Now Output all the VMs which have snapshots - ignoring those Veeam replicas $data = Get-VM | Get-Snapshot | ...