Powershell for IP information of remote machines
First off, I must appologise, this Power shell script is not my own. Worst, I cannot remember where I got the script from. I will endeavour to credit the author as soon as I find them. With that in mind...Some time ago I needed to find out what the DNS settings on our servers were, and as they are manually configured i.e. no DHCP this would mean jumping on each box (200+) and taking a peak. This screamed Power Shell at me! This little script will run off and return to you the IP configuration of any server you can access. It does a nice little check to see if the server is on first before trying to get the IP information. I added the write out to a file bit but the original just had the output sent to the console. Here's the code. [cmdletbinding()] param ( [parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [string[]]$ComputerName = $env:computername ) ...