
Showing posts from 2017

MDT and Dell BIOS updates

I have read a lot on how to implement a BIOS update but was unable to get any of the previous postings to work. So I incorporated some ideas into my own solution. I used both WMI queries and MDT applications.  The structure is set up so only the correct BIOS is applied to the correct model and only if the device requires the BIOS update. How I got BIOS updates to work... Download any BIOS updates you need and put them into separate applications Use the -noreboot -nopause as arguments Check the Hide this application in the Deployment Wizard Add a new group, called "BIOS Updates" to the relevant Task Sequences within the State Restore group and move it above the Install Applications action. Add a sub-group to "BIOS Updates" for the model of machine you are deploying example: Latitude E7240 Open the group and click the options tab create a WMI query - change the value to match the model number you are working on, this limits the scope to only those...

System Center Orchestrator and Service Manager

Morning, Haven't posted in a while so here goes. I've been tasked with looking into automation of various tasks in our environment.  I found three processes which would clearly benefit from automation. 1. User onboarding 2. Group management 3. VM creation. So with item one; user on boarding we already automate the majority of this using PowerShell scripts to do the grunt work so whilst things could be improved here I wanted to make something new. So I looked into both Group Management and VM Creation. I've heavily copied from various sources for both run books.  Big thanks to those who post their skills and knowledge so that others can learn too! References Automys's awesome site Group Management It has always been an aspiration of mine to run an IT team where the least privs model actually worked.  So I wrote a run book - heavily copied from various sources which I will name later...

Handy Script for uninstalling anything on Windows..!?

Just a note for myself really.  I stole this from the internet so credit to those before me! This can basically install anything from the Windows client. The example I've included will uninstall ALL versions of Skype wmic /interactive:off product where "name LIKE 'Skype%%'" call uninstall Clearly adjust for your needs...I found this particularly useful when uninstalling Box Tools - I used this in a bat file to remove all versions of Box Tools then install the version I wanted. wmic /interactive:off product where "name LIKE 'Box Tools%%'" call uninstall msiexec -i BoxToolsInstaller-AdminInstall-SingleUserMode.msi /qn For example... Enjoy...
Some PowerShell code to change DNS servers on a set of windows boxes.... Might be useful - have I posted this before???  Maybe not with any Try/Catch stuff... Make a list of machines names in a txt file "c:\scripts\machinelist.txt" - is my example... Copy the following into a ps1 file (enable scripts to run!) and run as an admin on all the machines in the list (domain admin?)...done. # # Script to set the DNS Settings on a Windows box # $computerList = get-content c:\scripts\machinelist.txt $date = Get-Date -format D $log = "---------------- Log Starting : $date ----------------`r`n" ForEach($computer in $computerList){ # Do some logging?? try{ $NICs = Get-WMIObject Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -computername $computer -ErrorAction stop         $NICs = $NICs | where{$_.IPEnabled -eq “TRUE” -and $_.Description -match "Wireless"} ForEach($NIC in $NICs){ $DNSServers = ”","1,2,3,5",“" ...