SCOM and SMS part 2

Ok so we've been running this little test environment (see previous post) for about two weeks (almost out of the trial license (15days!))

To recap we have a SCOM environment consisting of an SQL server, a RMS server and a MS server, so a pretty simple set up infact I only have an MS server as it is advised to not have users connecting to the web console on the RMS.

Also will post something about getting Kerberos working in this environment as it does - since R2 anyways so you do not need to have the web console running on the RMS - and if you have the excellent SaVision LivesMaps (which we do) then you can use the same kerberos technique to get SSO working on that too - despite what the SaVision instructions say!

We also have a software Serial-over-Ethernet solution to provide connection to the SMS modem which is in a location with a signal :) this has a second benefit of failing over if the RMS is taken out for some reason.

So here's how we do it:

I found the most sucessful software solution to be from the following website

this is also pretty inexpensive (£80 or so).

You need a modem capable of sending SMS messages, we have,

Obvisouly you need a SIM and some sort of carrier contract to be able to use the modem!  We have an limited SMS contract, something like 500 texts a month.  If you are getting more than this then something is very wrong with your environment! :) or you need to trim your alerts, does every alert require an SMS?  If so then fine but be aware the people receiving this alert will proably ignore it...alert saturation is common within SCOM/Windows/IT admins!

You will also need a third computer in a location with a good/reliable phone signal but within range of your network.  As far as I know VLANs do not cause an issue with the following setup as we have VLANs and port IDs infact the MS is on ESX so we have port trunking involved too!

Install the modem and drivers on this machine.  Use some method of ensuring that SMS messages can be sent, use TTerm or SMS Sender from Microsoft - it matters not but you MUST test it.

NB: SMS Sneder does work on 64bit machines you just need to make it!  Run it as Admin too.

Now install the serial over ethernet solution on your RMS, MS and your third machine.

On the third machine setup the serial-over-ethernet (s.o.e) client to publish the COM port of the installed modem.

NB: If you use the same s.o.e then you need to tick the connect always check box so ensure a connection is maintained.
NB2: You must set the baud rate to 9600.  SCOM will not work (at least in my case) with any other baud rate.

Unfortunately the only issue with my suggested software s.o.e solution you cannot publish a COM as a different COM, for example you cannot publish the real port COM4 as a virtual port COM5....interestingly the modem drivers install a virtual COM post which the s.o.e software thinks is a physical....ho hum.  Regardless of your s.o.e solution you need to publish the modem COM port no matter what it calls it!

On the RMS connect to the published COM port on the third machine.  Once more this shows the limitation of my choosen s.o.e in that you cannot call the mapped port anything but the same port name as the published port so COM4 on the third machine is published as COM4 and then connected to as COM4, bit of a shame as you lose alot of flexibility.  Again before going any further test this port by using whatever means you like.

Now add the modem to the RMS using Control Panel, Phone and Modem, tick the Dont Detect My Modem and make sure you use the correct COM port.  DO NOT CONNECT YOUR MODEM TO THE RMS, just install the drivers using the Phone and Modem Applet.

Do the same on the MS.

Once again test. Test and test some more until you are happy with how things work.

Once you are happy time to move onto those SCOM Notifications.

Create a new SMS Notification Channel, I find that using the default Text Message isnt good enough so I use the following instead:

Alert: $Data/Context/DataItem/AlertName$ on $Data/Context/DataItem/ManagedEntityPath$\$Data/Context/DataItem/ManagedEntityDisplayName$

This will give you something like:

Alert: Logical Disk Free Space is low on\E:

Then create a Notification Subscriber, I would recommed using you own number during testing as you may get a lot of SMS alerts depending on your SCOM install :)

The add the channel and subscription to your test notification.  you don't have one?  oh dear.  I'll blog about that later :)

Hopefully you should now have SMS alerts from SCOM which should your RMS fail will continue to work when the MS takes the role.


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