SCOM and Exchange 2010 the reprise
Grrr....pulling my hair out on this one. We have SCOM 2007 R2 (which I love) and we are running the excellent management pack for Exchange 2010. If you read an earlier post I finally figured out that the Agent Proxy needs ticking to make discovery work so we are humming along now. Except for one thing. My Public Folder server. We have one mailbox server dedicated to public folders. The problem here is that this server is never healthy. KHI: Failed to execute Troubleshoot-DatabaseSpace.ps1 fails. Looking into this script I see that this script uses the Get-MailBoxDatase this will not work on a public folder. Further investigation leads me to believe that all the scripts within the Exchange 2010 Management Pack are not Public Folder compatible. Now whether this is because a discovery which isnt running in my environment I don't know...*grrrr*