PVSCSI and Windows 2008 R2...

Bleeding edge?  So you will proboably know what PVSCSI is all about

We had two days of worry - our Exchange 2010 Mailbo server was showing events of having a corrupt database.  The event description pointed at the storage. 

ESE 482:

Thus ensued a witch hunt for the actual culprit.  Storage logs reported all fine...the issue came and went.  Unfortunately when it came the databases failed over to the other node of the DAG.

We found a page on VMWare's site detailing that a high IO server could have issues when using PVSCSI and that updates to the driver are required.  The driver updates pre-requiste was of course a patch to ESX 4 too.  Not something we can do on a whim, change management anyone?

See here:

and here:

So we had to remove the PVSCSI devices.  This is actually much simpler than it would be if these were real devices and we were able to move the Database and Log LUNs to the SAS drvier without hitch we then moved the boot disk. 

As we were able to fail over the databases whilst doing this there was NO USER DOWNTIME.  Gotta love Exchange 2010 sometimes.

Did anyone notice the "high IO" in bold earlier?  This still requirement is confusing, on one hand Microsoft says the Exchange 2010 is 70% less IO then 2007 (which was 70% less IO then 2003) so in my books in not a high IO system - this is confirmed by our NetApp storage which indicates that Exchange barely rumples the IO.  On the other hand we definately saw this issue and changing the PVSCSI device to SAS has made the issue go away, which would imply that Exchange was doing high IO.  Or something on the mailbox server was doing high IO...backups?  Forefront?

The case continues...


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