NetScaler VPX and Exchange 2010

From the title you can guess that we have Exchange 2010 (SP1 CU6 - with Hotfix for EVault) and we are using NetScaler VPX to load balance the services. 

I used the excellent document from Citrix to configure the NetScalers (we have two in active/active - sort of using VMACs to split the traffic RPC to one, HTTP(S) and SMTP to the other).

However I found a document from Microsoft which points out that there is "significant performance penalty" if we configure incorrect persistence for EAS.  The Microsoft document is here:

This put us in a pickle and no mistake. 

This is because in a NetScaler persistence is per vServer. 

We have one vServer for HTTPS as we have one IP address for all HTTP traffic. 

This vServer would then deal with all HTTPS traffic including OWA,ECP,EWS,RPC over HTTPS and EAS.  OWA requires cookie based persistence, this is also the method the Citrix document recommends.  From the Microsoft article leading us we found that EAS requires a RULE based persistence method.

We solved this by adding into the vServer for HTTPS a responder policy for the URL path "/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync" this would then redirect to a different vServer (on a different port - I guess you could use a different IP) which is set up for RULE based persistence.


I am not sure if all this jiggling around is truely necessary however I can see that clients (iPads, iPhone etc...) are connecting through the responder just fine.

For those who want to know how to do this here's how I did it.

1. Create a new HTTP vServer or copy your current OWA one and change the port or IP. 
2. Set the persistence to RULE

3. Create a Responder Action to redirect to your new vServer (check my port change from 443 to 445)

4.  Create a Responder Policy using the new action and responding to requests with "Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync" in the URL

5. Add the Responder Policy to your HTTP vServer


  1. Are you publishing EVault cache folders via OWA, through your Netscaler? I can't figure out how to do that.

  2. I'm not really sure what you mean by cache folders. Our users are able to see archived content using OWA which is published by our NetScalers.

    However I assume you are doing something far more complicated than that.

    I will chat to my eVault guy and come back to you.

    Thanks for posting a comment!

  3. on step "5. Add the Responder Policy to your HTTP vServer" you mean "HTTPS vServer" rigth???

    Great Post!!!

  4. Did you validate this configuration? I configured our netscaler following this post but when I monitor the numbers of hits of the EAS vserver I don't see that the number increases when I send emails to an iPhone.
    I've been troubleshooting this but it seems that the iphone is no redirected to the EAS vserver. If I go manually it does though.

    Any Ideas???


    1. Instead I see the hits of my regular SSL vserver increase each time...

    2. OK, I think I got it. In order for this to work instead of HTTP.REQ.URL.ENDSWITH("/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync") I used HTTP.REQ.URL.PATH.TO_LOWER.STARTSWITH("/microsoft-server-activesync") and now I getting redirected. Now the problem is that the phone does not "like" that redirection...

    3. At the end I used Content Switching...

    4. Sorry. I've been AFK for a while getting settled into my new role.

      Yes we validated the process and things worked fine for us.

      Glad you found something that worked for you!

    5. Allen thanks, for the reply!. Now I'm working on load balancing the SMTP service. I have no problems with the straight SMTP, but when I add SSL (using SSL_TCP) or TLS to the mix it doesn't work. Have you tried to this before??? Any ideas about this??? I'm new to the netscaler so any information is greatly appreciated. Thanks

  5. David,

    Hmmm we only worried about SMTP not the SSL-ed

    I will have a look @ my lab here and see. What version of NetScaler are you using?

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